My question:
I have a forked collection that I am trying to update using the “Pull Changes” option. I am able to pull the changes, then resolve all conflicts, at which point the “Pull Changes” button becomes active. I click the button, then after a moment receive an error pop-up stating “Unable to merge changes. Something went wrong. Please try again later.”
Details (like screenshots):
I’ve already tried:
- Running the procedure multiple times
- Refreshing the “pull changes”, resolving conflicts again, and then attempting to pull changes down.
- Updating the postman app
- Restarting the postman app
- Restarting my computer
- Google search for any existing answers to this issue (found a few from ~2019 but no answers)
- Searching Postman community
- Looking for any error logs or other helpful data points (found none).
Any help is appreciated!