UI issue - cannot copy values of response cookies

I’m having a technical issue in the Postman desktop app. I used to be able to copy response cookies by clicking into the field and copying the value, but for a couple of weeks it has been disabled. I see a disabled symbol when I hover over the cookies. I am updated to the latest version of Postman and I tried clearing the cache.
Any idea what could be causing this?

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Hey @sorateichman :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

Have you tried logging the Cookie values to the console and copying them from there?


I did not, that is complicated to insert into my code since the request is getting an anti forgery token using middleware.
But can you explain why the UI no longer works the way it used to?

I second to that, why UI no longer works as used to?

How did this previously work for you? What was the method you used to copy the value? Are you able to click anything in that field of left click to show a context menu?

Was this on a particular version or OS?

just on the right side, (lest say, in the cookie content) click on it, and perform ctl+a, crtl+c, and thats it, today I can´t click on the field, there is a forbidden cursor, thatś new

ubuntu 22.04
postman 11.9.2
UI version 11.9.2-ui-240822-1348
Desktop platform version 11.9.0
Architecture x64
OS platform linux 6.5.0-35-generic

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Like osvaldo said, I was able to just click into the table and Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C. I’m on windows, Postman v11.9.

I have the same problem on Windows 10. I use the XSRF-TOKEN value as a variable in my queries. And now I can’t copy it in the standard ways through the UI.

Postman v11.10.0 is the latest version.

|Edition|Windows 10 Enterprise|
|Installed on|‎04.‎10.‎2023|
|OS build|19045.4780|
|Experience|Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0|

This is what it looks like. I had to take a picture of the screen to capture the cursor.

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Any news about this?

I had the same issue but worked it out.
If you go to the Cookies link on the right hand side just under the “Send” request button.

Then click on the Cookie you want to copy…dont click on the X

and from there you can copy the cookie value

Its not dieal and would be better to be able to do it from the Request response, but its a way to get what you need.