Something strange while using variables in url


Experiencing something strange, I try to use an odata endpoint (CRM Online)
I have a variable defined like this : {{D365CE_url}}/api/data/v{{version}}/

I send a get request to following url : {{webapiurl}}
In Fiddler I see a request made to
host : https://myd364url.crm11.dynamics
URL : /api/data/v9.1
This request returns the status 200 (OK)

I send a get request to following url : {{webapiurl}}accounts (which should return all accounts)
In Fiddler I see a request made to
host : https://myd364url.crm11.dynamics
URL : accounts
Off course this return a 404 (Not found).

Why is it not including the ‘api/data/v9.1/’ part as he did in the first call.
The correct call should be
If I put this ulr directly in the get request, I do get the proper result.

Is there something that I’m missing here maybe?
I use exactly the same approach in another project, in that project Postman is behaving as expected.

All suggestions and comments are welcome …

Sven Peeters

Would you be able to show the variables/requests/console output you have for both the working and the NON working requests? This would help us, as a community, to better help with your specific issue.

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Hi Wersh,

I’m afraid we restarted from a working project that was shared with us.
The non functional project was deleted …

But thank you for you reply …