Send parameters and file for graphql

In the project they have an example of sending files with Curl. How can I represent the same in Postman?

curl localhost/graphql \
  -F operations='{ "query": "mutation ($file: Upload!) { upload(file: $file) }", "variables": { "file": null } }' \
  -F map='{ "0": ["variables.file"] }' \
  -F 0=@my_file.txt

I don’t think Postman currently supports file uploads with GraphQL.

I ran into this issue using graphene-file-upload==1.2.2 as the upload handler and found it extremely complex to prepare the correct payload as the request included additional parameters to the upload file, so I hope this helps:

Please note: the 0 key field type is “File”, not “Text”, you’ll need to hover over the Key field right side for Postman to show the field type so you can change it.

This is the curl equivalent request for reference:

curl --location --request POST '<REDACTED>/graphql' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED>' \
--form '0=@"/home/user/Downloads/Five.pdf"' \
--form 'map="{\"0\": [\"\"]}"' \
--form 'operations="{
    \"query\": \"mutation AddPOAttachments($data: AddProductAttachmentsInput!) { add_product_attachments(data: $data) { attachments { id url purpose file_info { name type size_in_bytes} __typename } __typename }}\",
            \"sku\": \"123456sku\",
            \"attachments\": null,
            \"purpose\": \"Test\"

What about sending array of files
do you have any examples or documentation?

Found answer here: