In postman while uploading a file possible to get the file properties and pass as parameter

In postman, while uploading a file possible to get the file properties and pass them as a parameter

For example, we can upload 1 file test.doc as 40 MB, We can get the size and share as query string that value as 40? like this?,file.size any workarounds?

pass as a query string as like below“test.doc”&size=40

Hi @gsivaprabu - welcome to the community! I’ve moved your post to Help because it is the best category for getting help.

Could you give us more information about your problem? Here are some guidelines for helpful details. :slight_smile:

As best as I can tell, the pre-request Script function in Postman is pre-flight - so the file is not yet loaded into memory for any file manipulation (you’ll get the path to the file on your system, but no data on the file itself).

{mode: "formdata", formdata: [1]}
mode: "formdata"
formdata: [1]
0: {…}
description: {…}
key: "document"
type: "file"
src: "/<pathtofile>/file.pdf"