I’ve just been doing that, I have quite a lengthy JSON so I’m trying to isolate bit by bit. It seems to be one of my nested objects as so far, a smaller version can be loaded.
Getting hold of the file would help understand what the problem is you’re facing - Ideally, the same file should work in both the Runner and the Scheduled Runs.
Interested to see what’s going on there so I can raise is with the team.
Just trying to think of what it might be, are there email addresses in the file using @ or one of the keys in the JSON using a special character?
Within this data file, I’ve enclosed a Swagger to validate responses against.
The file size is less than 1 MB (~350kb), ~12k lines based on the current formatting.
Here is a very shortened and data cleansed version as I thought it’s “$” or “#” which might be causing the error, but the scheduler is able to load this:
Awesome! I was talking with the team at the same time and got to the bottom of it.
They are going to update the copy on the error message as it was a little confusing as to what the error relates too and even more so when comparing the functionality with the runner.