As on the image, I have a one POST Request where it passes Username , Password and a token. This is working fine with J meter. I’m getting 200 response.
But when I try to do the same call with Postman (as for the image 2), it says:
> javax.servlet.error.status_code 405
> javax.servlet.error.message Request method 'POST' not supported
> javax.servlet.error.servlet_name DispatcherServlet
> javax.servlet.error.request_uri /j_spring_security_check
> org.springframework.web.HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException: Request method 'POST' not supported.
What might be I’m doing wrong with Postman? or what there the necessary changes I have to made to postman.
Details (like screenshots):
I tried with adding all the headers which are available in the J meter but still no luck.