Running tests in parallel -what options to specify to view the responses

Dear PostMan Support , greetings. I have been trying to use the parallel runner to run test parallely .I used the support mentioned here . There is a parallel issue albeit not a similar one here Feature request: Run test in parallel #744.
I need to check the responses that are sent out , what do i specify so that i can check the responses
(BTW i store the response in the environment body) ,here is what i see in the command prompt
C:\npm\node_modules>node parallel-collection-runs.js
Defect74971GetApiDataCombinedUsedByISIN ran successfully.
Defect74971GetApiDataCombinedUsedByISIN ran successfully.
Defect74971GetApiDataCombinedUsedByISIN ran successfully.

Appreciate your quick response as this is needed to verify a critical defect in our product.