Problem with send json file how parameter and other 2 text parameters

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I try to use POST request on Postman and i create this request:

POST http://…/(Public function into enter)

i use Body-> form-data and i try this:

param2: filename.json (i change text in file and choose file how value, i modify settings of working directory of file)
param3:Risposta di conferma di avvenuta sincronizzazione

but the response of file in console is this:

Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.26.10
Accept: /
Host: localhost
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 16525

Request Body
param1: “SyncOut”
param2: undefined
param3: “Risposta di conferma di avvenuta sincronizzazione”

structure of my json file is like this:


and when i try to see json file is empty.

whatis the problem with send json file?
What am I doing wrong or forgetting?

@massimopisano10 Welcome to the community :partying_face:

When you are doing the POST request with the file as input, your API should be able to handle it as well. Can you possible some more details here, a screenshot or something? So the status code is 200?


@massimopisano10 I see that the param2 is passed empty and file is a separate parameter. Can you just try passing the file against the key “param2” with type file here.

Else try to print the key “file” in console.


If not working can you try pass the file under binary? Just trying few options :slight_smile:

Yes, I try this but is the same…

when I try to pass the contents of the file as data in param2 all is ok, but if i try to send the file in param2 there is the problem!