Postman CLI reporting


I have a question regarding CLI reporting. I recently started using it and, as I understand, the reports can only be viewed from within each collection.

In my case, the job triggers multiple collections simultaneously. Does this mean I need to open each collection individually to view the reports and assertions? Is there a central location where all reports can be viewed together?

Hey @technical-engineer16 :wave:

There is no custom reporting that’s currently available with the Postman CLI. The only direct reporting is either from the terminal where you see the same summary output as per Newman or when logging in via the Postman CLI you will see those in the Collection Runs tab.

If you were previously using Newman with the HTML reporter and kicking off multiple collections simultaneously, that would only produce 1 report per Collection and it wouldn’t be aggregated together (unless that was a reporter that stored all the runs and then created a single report)

We have an open Github Feature Request for adding reporting to the Postman CLI, it would be great for you to add your use case in there too (If you haven’t done so already :pray: )

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thanks now all clear, i added my comment to git.

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Hi @technical-engineer16 :wave:

Thank you for the feedback! I’m happy to share that the Postman CLI now supports built in reporters!

You can export run results as json, html, JUnit or on the CLI. Simply run:

postman collection run <collection-id> -r <reporter>

For example, printing on the CLI and exporting run results as HTML, i will run the following:

postman collection run <collection-id> -r cli,html

Jan-31-2025 5-50-36 PM

Read more about this feature here

We’re eager to see how you use this feature. Please try it out and share any feedback you have with us! We’ll love to hear from you!