How to export test result via script

hi, I stopped using Newman and moved to CLI Postman.

Your support team already answered that there is no reporting as it was for Newman.

How can I export the result via script?
Is it possible to combine the Newman run with the CLI Postman run to have the reporting file?
For example, the CLI will run the collection and Newman will get the reporting file or something like that, I am just searching for any way to have reporting via git.
If there are options you know, please suggest them to me

Those are 2 separate tools that run collections individually and not together.

There is currently no programmatic way to get/export the results of a Collection run via the Postman CLI.

You seem to be continuing to ask basically the same question in a number of different ways, the answer is still the same.

Currently, it cannot be done. The export functionality in any form doesn’t exist in the Postman CLI. That’s not to say it will never do it, it just doesn’t do it now.