Postman API limitation? Status 429 with error message: serviceLimitExhausted

Hey @Timmy_Lin, thanks for reaching out. You seem to have reached the limit of your API usage as per your plan, the Postman API applies both rate limits (60 rpm) and access limits (based on your plan) on your API usage.

To verify that, you can hit the /me endpoint which is not access limited, this will return statistics of your usage including your limit as per plan and usage so far.

The response would look like :

    "user": {
        "id": your_id
    "operations": [
            "name": "api_usage",
            "limit": "<limit-as-per-your-plan>",
            "usage": "<your-usage-so-far>",
            "overage": 0
        // other operations and their limit and usage info.

To answer your question, you would either need to upgrade or wait until your limit is renewed as per your plan. Feel free to reach out with additional queries, if any.