Today my postman download new update and new UI. Unfortunately no shortcuts work now.
Its tedious to save and send request clicking on UI instead of smashing keys.
Is there anything special to be done in new version? I had toggle off and on shortcuts but notching changed.
I have spotted one relation that may cause this issue.
When I posted this issue my APP had downloaded in the background 8.0.5 version and it was working still on some 8.0.X lower version.
Restart of the app do the trick and shortcuts starts to work.
Today I had started my day. For first hour everything was ok. Then shortcuts just stopped working. So i restarted the app and got info that Postman has been updated to 8.0.6 … So this issue/Bug appears after update in the background make some stuff.
If Devs are reading this, please test this scenario in CI/CD env. The lack of shortcuts may be one of many issues during/after update.
There was an issue with the shortcuts that worked the first time and then stopped working in early builds.
This was fixed in the 8.0.6 version - if you have any more issues going forward, please raise an issue on the GH Tracker. As this is a community forum, questions like this tend to get missed and opening an issue on the tracker ensures that it’s put in front of the team.