I need to get the leave days where the days are over lapping. This will be only filtered one month at a time
If i filter by the month of December i should get the result below
and if i filter by the month of January i should also get the below results.
“EmployeeNumber”: “1000000”,
“FullName”: “john Doe”,
“LeaveBucket”: “leave-priority”,
“LeaveType”: “Annual”,
“LeaveCompanyRun”: “202312”,
“NoOfDays”: 17,
“TimeOfDay”: null,
“Comments”: “”,
“Reference”: null,
“LeaveReason”: null,
“LeaveStartDate”: “2023-12-27T00:00:00+02:00”,
“LeaveEndDate”: “2024-01-19T00:00:00+02:00”,
“LeaveStatus”: “Approved”,
“LeaveTransactionType”: “Leave Application”,