I’m creating a new test in Postman, and when I run it, even though the test is successful, sometimes part of the text is red.
Red text 1 - This test involves sending a POST request with a timestamp. In this screenshot {{$timestamp}} was used to pull the time.
White text - Some further tweaks made to the test, all text in Newman for both request and response are white, as expected. {{$timestamp}} is still being used.
Red text 2 - {{$timestamp}} replaced with currentDate in the actual request, and the pre-request updated as follows:
let moment = require('moment');
pm.environment.set('currentDate',moment().format('DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss a'))
The test is successful, and the timestamp is correct, but now the text is partially red again - removing or // the above causes the text to turn entirely white again in the report.
Is there a way I can get all the text back to white, while keeping the timestamp in its current format?
Hey @spaceflight-physici2 
Welcome to the Postman Community! 
Would you be able to share more information about where in the product you’re seeing this? It’s difficult to know/see in the cropped screenshot.
Is this a report created from a Newman run and you’re opening it up in a text editor? Which reporter are you using?
Thanks for your response.
The red text is in the request body of the Newman report. The response body is all in white.
Yes, the report was generated by using command line (newman run .json) in Node. The resulting report generated as an .html file, I took the screenshot from the file.
So you were using a html reporter that was part of the Newman command?
This feels more like and issue with the custom reporter (You haven’t mentioned which one it is) and the way it’s rendering that particular output, than something specifically to do with either Postman or Newman.
Have you tired running the Collection with the Postman CLI and the HTML reporter to see if that produces a better output?
I created that so it’s probably got lots of quirkiness to it… 
I would recommend the Postman CLI tool as a comparison though.