Need to know the local path of a collection saved in Postman

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I have some collections in my postman tool in which i have some requests. I want to know where these collections are getting save in my local system and can I changes this path as per my requirement. I am using Macbook air.

Hi @sambit123,

Welcome to the community :wave:

On MacBook, your collections are saved under: ~/Library/Application Support/Postman

The data is saved under folder IndexDb and this article here should help you recover them from your end. Also with the latest version of Postman, the application creates a local backup.json file within the same folder to prevent the loss of any unsaved data.

Also please let me know the location where the Postman collections are saved in Windows.

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@supply-geoscientist4 Location in Windows would be as follows:

  • C:\Users<user-name>\AppData\Roaming
  • C:\Users<user-name>\AppData\Local

You can paste %appdata% on the Search bar in the file browser and that should take you to the same path.

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These answers are useless when your Workspace is gone and/or you just want backup/restore of you collections locally.
I accidently deleted ‘My Workspace’ from the browser, because it said it was my Teams Workspace, which actually is your ‘My Workspace’ as well.
Now I want to restore the Local data to the Postman client install, but when I place back all that is
C:\Users\AppData\Roaming , I get this warning. And all I can do is log out and all collections are gone.
So please say where the Collection data is locally stored whitin this Data / Roaming folder and/or subfolders.

Hi, I’ve done exactly the same thing - did you get a solution to recover the locally stored collections?

Below the answer I got from support.
Regretly it is not of any help to me. I use the Postman portable edition with it’s files in a Microsoft Onedrive for Business. Although I have history versions of all files, it is not of any help. I don’t have any backup(json) files. And by restoring any other ‘data’ files, I get the popup that my account is not part of the team anymore(thuh)… I still don’t know if and what are the actual data files that hold my collections…

Rubicel Alvarez (Postman)

Sep 14, 2022, 20:03 UTC

Hi Floris,

Thank you for your response.

The new multi-team feature now allows users to join multiple teams. However, when a user leaves a team, their ‘Personal Workspace’ becomes a team-owned workspace.
The only way to get this content back is to request your former teammate to invite you back on the team or export your content and send it to you since you were the last team member; this would not be possible.
The team ‘planetary-spaceship-430376’ is now disabled.

Unfortunately, I cannot recover data on my side since we don’t interact with user data.

The only other thing I could recommend is to check if there is a backup store locally if you used the Desktop app at some point.

Certain versions of the application take backups of your data locally - could you follow these steps and see if that helps?


Potential Workaround:

  1. Look for the backup files under the following folder
  2. %appdata%\Postman\for Windows
    ~/Library/Application Support/Postmanfor MacOS
    ~/.config/Postman for Linux
  3. Backup file names will be similar to backup-2020-02-26T23-13-43.082Z.json (date/time will be different for you)
  4. Next create a NEW Personal Workspace
  5. Import the most recent backup file into this new personal workspace.
  6. Check to see if the missing collections are present.
  7. If you do manage to recover using this method, the collection MAY not be totally up to date with the most recent changes.
  8. If you don’t find the collection, try the above steps with other backup files (going backwards, based on the timestamp of the backup).

I’m hoping the steps above help you. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

I’m sorry again for the trouble. I understand the amount of work that is put in to create this content.

Kind Regards,
Technical Support Engineer | Postman


Hi Floris,
Thanks for your update. I’m in exactly the same position, no backups and it appears no way of getting my collections back. The thing which is annoying, as I created the team, then deleting the team should restore everything back to a personal workspace as it was before I created the team. It doesn’t make any sense to me to delete the entire workspace and have no way of restoring it.

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I totally agree. Very confusing with this added ‘ad team’ button.
I do have several indexedDB folders under the partitions folder in different guid named folders. Would be helpful it support could support if it is possible to recover collections from these folders. Of course not to the same workspace that your account was removed from, because that workspace is gone for good Regretly.

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Today another colleague almost lost all his collection as well, so I thought I will share it with support, this new feature is risky. See below and below that a somewhat hopefull friendly reply from support giving the ones that lost there My Workspace some hope.
Sep 26, 2022, 06:49 UTC


I have been looking through the Postman settings and how you advertise with the ‘add Team’. And I really think this is a huge flaw in the way you have set it up now and will cause way more trouble with people that get confused about the term ‘Team’.

You are using the term ‘Team’ in 2 different manners right now.

The first is that the ‘Team’ is your actual main storage point and base url of a persons account. In my case ‘’ (in which the part before ‘’ is your unique place of storage). Then it follows with ‘/workspaces/’ and after that comes at least ‘my-Workspace~GUID’ and maybe ‘Team-Workspace~GUID’.

The second way you use ‘Team’ is with the ‘add Team’ when someone is already logged in and already has all the above. Now you add an additional new storage space with new url which holds a new ‘My-Workspace~GUID’ as well.

This is so confusing. When people that already have an account with a ‘my-workspace’ are added to a team they think they lost there own ‘my-workspace’, because when they click on ‘my-workspace’ it will be empty.

I really think you should ‘fix’ this quickly or a lot more users will get frustrated about Postman.

Rubicel Alvarez (Postman)
Sep 26, 2022, 16:46 UTC
Hi Floris,

Yes, this is because of the new feature of multi-team.

This has been a highly requested feature that allows a team member who is already part of a team, perhaps their company’s team but will also like to create a smaller team with their direct colleagues.
A user is allowed to either join an additional team or create one.
The trouble right now is making sure the personal workspaces are not lost when you leave the team.

Our engineering team is working on a solution for those who have lost their data because their team has been disabled, like yourself.

I will keep you updated with any further details I get.

Best Regards,
Technical Support Engineer | Postman

My team is considering for Postman , need to answer few questions before we conclude, will the Team issue occur irrespective of the Plan , suppose if we take Enterprise Plan , would the Team issue still exists …is it Plan specific or irrespective of the plan there is Team Workspace issue?

Same situation here… I left the team and all My collections and other workspaces disappeared.

yeah, after automatic update - my desktop is not starting anymore and all collections lost. Did not expect this behavior. Have no idea what to do now. When you are pointing to the Roaming> Postman - there is a lot of folders and nothing looks like .json files - is there a way to restore my collection and environmental data? can you please specify folder where it can be store?
also nothing also looks like back up files - unless it’s under some folder.

this works!!!

Potential Workaround:

  1. Look for the backup files under the following folder
  2. %appdata%\Postman\for Windows
    ~/Library/Application Support/Postmanfor MacOS
    ~/.config/Postman for Linux
  3. Backup file names will be similar to backup-2020-02-26T23-13-43.082Z.json (date/time will be different for you)
  4. Next create a NEW Personal Workspace
  5. Import the most recent backup file into this new personal workspace.
  6. Check to see if the missing collections are present.
  7. If you do manage to recover using this method, the collection MAY not be totally up to date with the most recent changes.
  8. If you don’t find the collection, try the above steps with other backup files (going backwards, based on the timestamp of the backup).
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