List/Delete based on custom field

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My question:
Is it possible to list or delete user based on custom field?

Details (like screenshots):
I am able to list users based on id and userName but if i want to list user based on organization unit or some other custom field then what filter i need to pass?

Also for deletion i am able to delete based on id “310827” (This id is generated by postman) but if i need to pass based on custom field then how can we do that? This is useful when i need to perform bulk deletion.

Please help me if there is a way to perform these task.

{{siilo-scim-url}}/Users?filter=userName eq “”

“schemas”: [
“totalResults”: 1,
“Resources”: [
“schemas”: [
“id”: “310827”,
“externalId”: “”,
“meta”: {
“created”: “2022-09-12T15:09:28Z”,
“version”: “W/"183323F88B9310827"”,
“location”: “”,
“resourceType”: “User”,
“lastModified”: “2022-09-12T15:09:28.121Z”
“userName”: “”,
“displayName”: “Name1”,
“urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:siilo:association:member”: {
“memberStatus”: “ONBOARDING”,
“customProfile”: [
“field”: “OrganizationalUnit”,
“value”: [
“field”: “PersonnelNumber”,
“value”: [
“field”: “JobTitle”,
“value”: [
“field”: “Date and Time”,
“value”: [
“12/09/2022 03:09:28”
“field”: “SysID”,
“value”: [

How I found the problem:
When i was trying to list users based on custom profile
Also when i was trying to do a bulk deletion

I’ve already tried:
Listing and Deletion already tried which didn’t worked

This will depend on the API.

You’ll need to speak to the developer or review the documentation that comes with the API to detail what it will accept.