Line wrapping on the Test Results panel

I have a test that validates the schema for the response and sometimes the test result is quite long. This happens when there are multiple errors or when the response has a lot of data items

It would be a lot easier to check the errors if the result will be properly formatted or at least line-wrapped. Right now the errors are separated by comma, so I copy paste to a text editor and replace with \n :slight_smile:

Is there another way to enable line wrapping? If not, could it be implemented in the future?

Hey @sorin-tests :wave:

Without something visual to explain what you’re seeing it tricky to see what you mean here. :sweat_smile:

For feature requests, these are handled over on our Github Issue Tracker - If you’re like to see something like this in the product in the future, that’s the best way to go. It will get in front of the engineering teams quicker.

I thought “Test Results panel” was self explanatory. But anyway, here is a screenshot, please note the test result on one line and the small scroll bar. It would be useful to have it on multiple lines (line-wrapped or formatted).

That part was self explanatory but then your talking about something very contextual to you. That pane could be showing a number of different things :sweat_smile:

This would be a useful feature/fix to implement, I often come up against this issue with bigger responses.

This is specific to tests result that output long assertions like, in this case, a schema validation right?

I know I have seen in the past, users trying the repurpose the Test Name string as a container to output various values and a desire to have those on multiple lines.

Many of the use cases there would be covered by using the Console but there will be some that require a different approach.

I’ve also raised this internally but the best thing here is to raise a new feature request using the link I previously shared.

Thanks for the feedback. I added a new issue using your link: Line wrapping on the Test Results panel · Issue #13442 · postmanlabs/postman-app-support · GitHub