I just started and do not understand limit of users count.
On this faq page (in What are the usage limits for free users? subtitle) write that I have unlimited workspaces and invite as many members as you want.
But when I open manage team, I see that 2/5. Does this mean that I can only add 4 members? But in faq page written the opposite is it deprecated?
Yes, you can add an unlimited number of members and the faq page still has the correct information.
Once you add 3 more members, the number on the right (2/5), the 5 will start to gradually increase, but wouldn’t be blocking you from adding n more members to your team.
When switching to a paid plan, you need to add the number of slots you’d like to purchase, where 1 slot is for each user, so there won’t be any unlimited slots available here. If you feel like adding more members in a paid team and suppose that you’ve run out of slots in your team, you can always purchase more.