Is there a way to export all collections on a workspace basis?

Is there a way to export all collections on a workspace basis?

If this is not possible, please make this feature available.

when I do data export, it is dumped, but I cannot determine which workspace the collection belongs to.

Is it possible to identify the workspace from the dump data and organize it?

Hi @warpkwd. Welcome to the Postman Community :postman:

Can you raise this as a feature request here?

What’s your use case for this feature?

I could use this feature as well. The use case is exporting a large number of collections quickly so they can be imported to a new workspace and reorganized there (the original workspace needs to be saved for posterity).

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I’ve requested.

I want to export all the collections in a specific workspace at once.
However, if I dump using the current functionality, all workspaces are dumped, and I can’t tell which workspace the collections belong to.
It’s also not possible to tell from the dump data which workspace the collections belong to.

Hi @warpkwd, @mailcollinjames. The only work around that exist for this right now is to use the Postman API to access all collections in a specific workspace. Specifically, this endpoint returns an array of collections given a workspace ID.

Alternatively, to clone or copy all collections in a workspace to a different workspace. There is this utility collection that can help you with that. You only need to provide the relevant API keys and the workspace ID you want to copy and it’ll handle the rest for you.

Thanks for the reply. What I ended up doing was using the “Settings->Data->Request Data Export” functionality. It wasn’t quite what I wanted because I only wanted to export collections/environments from a single workspace (not all of them), but it got me close enough.

I still think an option to “Export all collections” within a workspace would be worthwhile. Or maybe “Export workspace”…something like that.

That makes sense. You can keep track of this feature request with the already created ticket so you get notified if we get to it.

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How do I find the workspace id?

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