Is it possible to create completely "contained" individual requests?

Suppose I have a behavior to test:

  1. userA adds userB to a group.
  2. userB should see the “group” on their page(API response should contain new group).
  3. userA removes userB from group
  4. userB should not see the group on their page(API response should not contain new group).

Currently, the flow of requests to test this behavior is:

  1. Log in as userA(save cookies in an env variable)
  2. Add userB to the group(verify response- success)
  3. Log out
  4. Log in as userB(save cookies in an env variable)
  5. Navigate to the Groups page(verify response- new group should be present)
  6. Log out
  7. Log in as userA
  8. Remove userB from group
  9. Log out
  10. Log in as userB
  11. Navigate to Groups page and verify

Since I have to ability to extract and save the cookies for each user, I want to reduce the number of steps to this:

  1. Log in as userA(save cookies in an env variable)
  2. Log in as userB(save cookies in an env variable)
  3. Add userB to a group(using cookies of userA in the request))
  4. Verify group in response(using cookies of userB in the request))
  5. Remove userB from group(using cookies of userA in the request)
  6. Verify group not present in response(using cookies of userB in the request)

Is it possible to do so? It can be clearly seen that the 2nd flow has almost half the number of requests.
Currently, postman by default uses the cookies from the first log in request for all further requests. Even if I add the respective user cookies in the header of the requests, postman ignores that cookie and uses the one that it saves automatically. So I have to unnecessarily add log out and then log in as another user steps to my collection.