Install nodejs ( newman) via jenkins for postman integration

Hi, I have jenkins installed in the cloud and I would like to install newman ( nodejs) via jenkins so I can use it later to execute postman collection using the URL.

I don’t want to access the box to install nodejs therefore use jenkins to install nodejs , is it possible ?
or is there a short cut where I can create a script to call newman without installing it in the box ?


  1. I installed ‘integration npm plugin’ in jenkins

created the
config manage user file with URL =
the pipeline code is below
pipeline{ agent any stages { stage(‘npm-build’) {
steps {
echo “Branch is ${env.BRANCH_NAME}…”

    withNPM(npmrcConfig:'8e75a5ce-5a4b-4a0a-971d-f56a81') {
        echo "Performing npm build..."
        sh 'npm install'

and this gave me an ERROR: script returned exit code 127 Finished: FAILURE

could you please help ? any idea ?

Can somebody look at this one, please?
We are also going to move from local to cloud Jenkins and I need to know whether we can still run (newman) postman collections with this move.

Thank you!