I have a validation script that should check if the array is empty and then stop running the collection and display the error message but I don’t see the error message displayed in Newman or Collection Runner and
I am not able to see the assertions in the Newman HTML report and in the collection runner instead there is a message
Any idea why it happening?
I am expecting to see the assertions from the script and if it is failing then it should show me why its failing
const Library_search_validate_response_NotEmpty = () => {
try {
// Get the API response as JSON
const jsonData = pm.response.json();
// Assert that vehicles is not an empty array
pm.expect(Array.isArray(jsonData.vehicles) && jsonData.vehicles.length > 0, 'Vehicles array should not be empty').to.be.true;
// Assert that segments is not an empty array
pm.expect(Array.isArray(jsonData.segments) && jsonData.segments.length > 0, 'Segments array should not be empty').to.be.true;
// Assert that itineraries is not an empty array
pm.expect(Array.isArray(jsonData.itineraries) && jsonData.itineraries.length > 0, 'Itineraries array should not be empty').to.be.true;
} catch (error) {
// Log the error message
console.error('Error occurred while processing the response:', error.message);
// Stop the collection run
// Add a custom variable to Newman environment to capture the error
pm.environment.set('Error_Message', `Error occurred while processing the response: ${error.message}`);
// Set the function as a global variable
pm.globals.set('Library_search_validate_response_NotEmpty', Library_search_validate_response_NotEmpty.toString());