This is my first post here in the community and I’m looking for support about this topic:
I have an api specification which importation isn’t working as expected. It was generated, and works properly with the OpenAPI VSCode plugin. The swagger is splitted in two files: purchase.fishmarket-purchases.swagger.v1.1.0.json and purchase.v1.1.0.json.
purchase.fishmarket-purchases.swagger.v1.1.0.json contains the paths and some specific definitions of the specification.
purchase.v1.1.0.json contains definitions that are shared with other specifications.
Each of these .json files is located in different folders.
The references in purchase.fishmarket-purchases.swagger.v1.1.0.json to the defenitions in purchase.v1.1.0.json are made via “$ref” property in this way: " “$ref”: “…/…/…/goldenRecords/purchase.v1.1.0.json#/definitions/FishMarketPurchaseType” ".
When I preview the specification with some tool like the OpenAPI VSCode plugin, it shows no problem. But when I import the folder to Postman to create a collection using the Import Folder feature it is not able to resolve the references and it shows a “reference …/…/…/goldenRecords/purchase.v1.1.0.json#/definitions/FishMarketPurchaseType not found in the OpenAPI spec” message.
I’ve been navigating the forums, stackoverflow and the github postman-app-support repositroy and I’ve seen some issues talking about this problem, but these issues are old and I’ve understood that in newer versions of Postman this reference solving should work fine when using the Import Folder feature.
If needed I can upload a .zip with the folder as I’m importing it to Postman so you can reproduce it.
Thank you for your time and help!