I can't publish or unpublish a Flow

Hello, I’m having an issue with a specific flow where I can’t publish or unpublish it.

This problem is only occurring with this specific flow; the others are working fine. I’ve tried making the changes both through the app and the web, but I keep getting the same message. Even after duplicating the flow, the error persists.

Captura de tela 2024-09-02 173827
Captura de tela 2024-09-02 173914

i’m sorry you’re encountering this error. Can you dm me the for id?

Hi @HigorCHS

Can you make sure all the Send Request blocks are filled in the flow before publishing it?

If there are empty requests we aren’t able to publish the flow.

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Hello, I analyzed the entire flow and found an empty request in the middle. After deleting it, I was able to publish the flow. Thank you very much for your help!

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We will improve the experience so it’s more obvious in the future. Thanks for the feedback!

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