Today. I noticed that the Authorization tab has a different UI. If. I remember correctly, it used to be only a text paragraph, now I have all the details of the authorization from the parent collection.
However, everything is greyed out (inactive). I cannot change anything or even select one of the available tokens. Is this just a viewer or am I missing something?
That’s because you are “Inheriting auth from parent”. So all of the options will be greyed out.
You need to select the “Auth Type” drop down and select an option before you can edit any of the settings.
I know I have “Inherit auth from patent” selected. I was asking about the information displayed on the right side. Is it just a way to view the OAuth configuration? Or should I be able to interact with it, to select one of the available tokens or something else?
For instance, there is a dropdown for the Token field, but all the options are inactive in my app. For me, it would be nice to select the token here and apply the change only for this request.
And since I am a tester ;-), the switch for Auto-refresh Token is not accurate, it is ON on the configuration page.
To edit those options, you need to go to the folder where the authentication is set and change it there. As far as I can tell, that includes selecting an available token.
Otherwise I guess you can make a feature request on the Postman Github.