How to set which tab is active by default when opening a folder

My requests are grouped in folders, and in such a folder, I store my test set. This is done on the pre-request tab on the Scripts tab.

If I want to adjust my test set, I click on the relevant folder in my collection so that it opens as a new tab in the UI. However, it always opens on the overview tab, so I have to click on the Scripts tab every time and then on the pre-request tab (because the post-response tab is selected by default on the Scripts tab).

It would be great if there were an option to set which tab should open by default when opening a folder.

I think the same could be useful for opening a request. Currently, the Params tab is the default, but maybe you would prefer to open the Body tab every time, for instance.

Is this configurable or could this be made configurable in a future Postman update?

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