How To dynamic the Postman Request name from reading the csv?

How To dynamic the Postman Request name from reading the CSV?

  1. We have one request in postman collection and we are trying to run with the external data source (CSV) with different scenarios added in that.
  2. CSV contains the following fields (Test ID, TestCaseDescription , METHOD, url, Requestbody parameter1, Requestbody parameter2,…Requestbody parameter->n)
  3. When we run this and see the report in Newman or postman runner it shows the same Request name for different scenarios performed from CSV data set. we tried to dynamic the request name by mapping the TestCaseDescription as a Variable in curly brassies “{{}}”. but it did not work for us.
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Hi @qadev and welcome here!

Unfortunately what you are asking for isn’t possible, as mentioned in the documentation:

You can use variables in request URLs, parameters, headers, authorization, body, and header presets.
