How can I download legacy version of postman?

Is it possible to download old versions of the software?

It have kept auto updating, and I am going NUTS with the new versions, theres hundres of barriers to send a request. And as of now I am unable to despite trying for 10 minutes.

Then it wants me to login, but the desptop client fails to catch the auth from the browser, so it keeps being logged out. If I try to use the “lightweight” client, Im unable to edit the contents of the headers, but I need to… If I try to use the web version, the send button is ghosted, something about I need to create a fork!? Also cant edit headers here…

I just want to be able to send a simple http request like the software were able to do do 7 years ago.

Anyone can recommend an alternative software that doesn’t requrie user account and all that bloat?

Hey @rpuls :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

I’m not really sure what’s happening for you here without seeing it - Can you share an example of that flow please?

As a new user, you should have been presented with this view and a option to create a new request.

You can also create a new request by either selecting the New button in a Workspace or clicking the + button on the tab row. There are many other way to do this but this would be in front of you in a Workspace.

Can you share a screenshot of what you’re trying to edit?

Are you trying to use someone else’s Collection from a Public Workspace?

Hi Danny, thank you looking at my frustration. It magically works now… So I look a bit dumb and can’t reproduce the issue as of right now. But I promis, I spent about 10 minutes opening and closing the app, trying to log in… I was a a screen that had three option,
“enter token manually” - but no info on how to obtain the token.
“open web browser” - which opened a 403 page
“copy link” - link was to same 403 page…
(this was a screen in the desktop postman client app - after signing in via chrome)

I spent about 2-3 minutes browsing around the web version, to locate that token, but had to give up, couldn’t find it.

I am also able to edit the headers now. But I swear, they were “locked” before (both in web version and desktio lightweight moe)… there were 8 headers, key value pairs, and I was able to uncheck the checkboxes, but that was about it. I was able to place the cursor in the textfields, but no keystokes were recorded. No info in the UI why I was unable to change them, so I assumed it was because it was “lightweight” version, which a banner suggested, and prompted me to sign in to experience full feature set.

I’m sure the modern version of postman have evolved into something amazing, but the version from before user accounts was a thing was just spot on intuitive and I can’t say that about the new one, it requires a crash course to use… I’m sorry that’s my honest opinion. So… if possible, I would still really appreciate a download link to one of the old legacy versions :pray:

There’s more information about the authorisation token flow and the sequence:

As for the Headers, I suspect those were the auto generated headers that are needed for the requests, in the older versions these were being sent in the background and you were not made aware - now these have been made visible to the users. There’s an option to hide these or they can be disabled/overwritten.

The Lightweight API Client would be a great fit for you if all you need is something to build requests with and test your endpoints.

I had to send a replicate a request sent from a node.js service what was failing. That request was sent with the Accept header set to application/json. But in the postman app Accept was locked on */*, I wasn’t able to change that.

Still would prefer the old version, that didn’t require loggin in to user accounts and creating workspaces and all that, I really don’t see why I have to go through all of that just to sent a http request, but I sense that I am not gonna get hold of any old version am I ??? :slight_smile:

You don’t need to sign in or do any of that with the Lightweight API Client. It’s just a client for making requests for multiple protocols and checking/testing the responses.

To add a Header that you want to use, just manually enter that into the request Headers section below the others. It will overwrite any header that’s already generated.

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