Got a a new laptop. What info do I need to redo?


I got a new laptop and installed Postman. I logged in and see both my Environments and my collections. However, nothing works. It looks like all the Environment variables got wiped out. Is that normal?
the API info, the baseurl, etc are all gone.

I don’t know how to use Postman well, but had cobbled it together a while back and don’t know how to do it over again.

Is there a list of things that don’t get saved so I can reconfigure them? Is that information stored in My Documents somewhere that I can just import it from somewhere?

Any help getting this back up and running would be great.


Hi @kelemvor. Welcome to the Postman Community!

Variables in Postman can either be stored as initial or current values. Initial values get synced to Postman and are shared with your team. Current values, on the other hand, are only stored locally and do not get synced to Postman servers.

I suspect that this is the issue in your case. If your variables were previously stored as current values, and you switch to a new laptop, you must reset those values in your environment or otherwise, store them as initial values on your old laptop. For the last option, you have to be very careful to not store sensitive data as initial values because this is shared with your team.

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