ESocketTimedOut error while making a request to an apigee API

Hi All,

I’m facing one issue in which we are calling an API hosted in Apigee and backend at snowflake , the request gets about 5 mins to process and it gives request timed out error . When I check the console I see ESocketTimedOut as error message. This dosent happens every time , it provides response also if we call again after sometime , but we are getting this error frequently.

The query in the snowflake backend takes about 3-4 mins itself to get processed . And we have enabled the response streaming and increased the timeout setting in Apigee proxy to 30mins there. In Postman settings also we have increased the response timeout to 15min and max response size to 100MB to rule out these possibilities.


Could you please help us identify the possible cause for this issue and how can we fix it or get a workaround?

Also could you please tell if this issue could be related to the traffic at our backend snowflake warehouse , can changing the timings of the call resolve this issue? or is it related to something else?
