Error 403 while following Quickstart: Cognitive Search Index


I’m getting error ENOTFOUND 403 Forbidden in Postman while following Quickstart: Create an Azure Cognitive Search index using REST APIs (see screenshot below). Any advice?


Hey @kenche0820 :wave: Welcome to the community!

Looking at the error in the screenshot, the variable {{service-name}} in the URL is un-resolved, which means the value for that variable is not being set.

Usually these are set in Postman’s Environment Variables.

Check the documentation of the tutorial you are following to find out what values to use for {{service-name}} variable.

From your title, if you got the error HTTP 403 - That indicates the server rejected your access to the API. Usually this occurs when you are not passing authentication information with your API. Again, you would need to check the documentation/tutorial etc you are following to understand how to authenticate your API call. (Hint: Search for “API Keys” in the tutorial)

If you just getting started with Postman, I would suggest you familiarize yourself with Postman and general API concepts

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