I am working on postman API documentation, In this Documentation, I Used 2 Global variables
URL ==> {{URL}}/xxxxxx/yyyyyy/zzzzzz
TOKEN ==> User {{TOKEN}}
After Updated Document, I try to publish, Its throw 400 This request appears to be malformed. Please check the URL before trying again.
Suggest me, How to fix this.
(Vivek Thuravupala)
Are you trying to publish from the Dashboard or the App? Does the publish action work without the global variables?
If try via postman APP, it s throw 404 The resource you’re looking for can’t be found. Please check the URL before trying again.
I try to publish via Browser login, its throw 400 This request appears to be malformed. Please check the URL before trying again
Got the same issue, can’t publish any docs. Absolutely no clue what is wrong.
404 when publishing via app, 400 when publishing via web.
Found it! If you log in to the Postman website, go to collections and attempt to publish from there, then it works.