Could not store responseBody Error: Limit for unique respons

I am trying to run a performance test in 10.18.11 (mac) with 1 virtual user, 1 minute and have not exceeded the rate-limits because it says 16/25 performance test used.

There is no response when invoking the test , just blank screen and I see the below error message in the log.

Not sure how to debug it further.

[92266][1696623311903][t_group_0-node-process][error][["Worker 0#f67f0a65-7a75-4999-ba15-5b3141c87b42","_thread.js: Could not store responseBody Error: Limit for unique responses for request and error combination exceeded\n 
   at ResponseBodyMap.addResponse (/Applications/\n 
   at Function.response (/Applications/\n 
   at PostmanCollectionRun.<anonymous> (/Applications/\n 
   at PostmanCollectionRun.<anonymous> (/Applications/\n 
   at apply (/Applications/\n 
   at /Applications/\n 
   at /Applications/\n 
   at Function.<anonymous> (/Applications/\n 
   at apply (/Applications/\n 
   at Function.invokeMap (/Applications/\n 
   at Instruction.<anonymous> (/Applications/\n 
   at safeNext (/Applications/\n 
   at /Applications/\n 
   at onEnd (/Applications/\n 
   at onComplete (/Applications/\n 
   at Request._callback (/Applications/ {\n  code: 'RESPONSE_LIMIT_PER_ERROR_EXCEEDED'\n}\n"]]

Hey @balajikarrupuswamy :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

Apologies that it’s taken time to get back to you.

Would you be able to share the specific OS details for your machine, the collection you’re trying to run and the full logs, please?

You can get the logs by following this guide.

You can email those to us on from your registered email address. Feel free to include the link to this topic. :pray:

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