Copy the request URL to the clipboard

I’m using a URL with several variables, and would like to see the full URL that is sent to the server. The main point is for sharing with non-Postman users, such as copy/paste a working example to an email so someone else can just open it in their browser.

i.e. my PM request looks like this: http://{{host}}/my/service({{ref}})?p1={{p1}}
But I want to get the full URL:

Yes I can copy/paste and manually fill in the variables, but that get a bit tedious after a while. So I was hoping for an ‘expanded URL’ link or something. This sounds like an obvious feature but I can’t find it in the app nor the forums.

Any help appreciated.

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Hey @pokrakam

Welcome to the community! :wave:

You could add console.log(pm.request.url.toString()); to the Tests sandbox. This will print the whole resolved URL in the Postman Console.

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If you didn’t want to keep going to the Postman Console, you could have a go with this? Add this template to the Tests tab and it should show the URL and give you a “copy to clipboard” button in the Visualizer. :smile:

let resolvedURL = pm.request.url.toString();

let template = `
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <pre><code style="width:max-content!important;" id="copyText">${resolvedURL}</code></pre>
    <button class="copyButton" type="button" data-clipboard-action="copy" data-clipboard-target="#copyText" style="background:green;color:white;">Copy to Clipboard</button>
    var clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.copyButton');

    clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
        e.trigger.textContent = '✔ Copied!';
        window.setTimeout(function() {
            e.trigger.textContent = 'Copy to Clipboard';
        }, 2000);
    clipboard.on('error', function(e) {
        e.trigger.textContent = '✗ Not Copied';
        window.setTimeout(function() {
            e.trigger.textContent = 'Copy to Clipboard';
        }, 2000);


pm.visualizer.set(template, pm.response.json())

Hi @danny-dainton
I was happy with the console bit, but this is really neat, thanks! :+1:
I am quite surprised this hasn’t been in PM to start with, seems like something obvious folks might want to do.

You’re very welcome.:grin:

Just in case anyone is interested, I just found a third option:
Open the collection via the web rather than the app and you get the expanded URL and even a nice multi-language code template. So I can work in the app, and just refresh the page if I want the URLs for all my requests.

You can also get those same code snippets from the app: