Can't import Swagger Docs from an URL

I want to import OpenAPI 3.0 Specs from my Swagger.

But it shows “Error while fetching data from link”, although any web browser and CURL can access the data accordingly.

I run an REST-API built with NestJS, and the Swagger Docs as JSON can be fetched via the URL:


But when I click on “import” and paste this URL, it shows the error message mentioned above.

Is there any other way to import a Swagger API?

Hi @orbital-module-oper5. Could you share a screenshot of where you are trying to make this import on the UI? It appears to me that you may be trying to import an OpenAPI definition using the collection importer which will not work. OpenAPI or any other API definition(RAML, GraphQL Schema, etc) can be imported using the API Builder. I may be wrong about what you’re doing here, but a screenshot would be helpful.

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