Hi everyone, I’m working with an environment,
previously everything was working fine, but today I suddenly discovered that after adding new variables in the environment, I couldn’t retrieve them. When I asked colleagues in the same workspace to check their clients, they couldn’t see my newly added variables. Similarly, when they added variables, I couldn’t retrieve them either. What’s going on?
My client, and cannot get the deleted-executionId
Then I ask my colleagues to add this variable
His client
My client doesn’t update, also I don’t have the aaaa variable
But actually I can get the variable in request
Hey @science-geologist-40
Welcome to the Postman Community
Are you updating the initial values and saving the environment or are you only updating the value in the variable prompt?
Unless that variable is updated in the initial value of the environment file and saved, your team mates are not going to see the updated value.
By adding it to the prompt when you hover the variable syntax in the URL, it’s only going to be changing the current value, which is not synced.
Yes, I and my colleague updated the initial value and clicked save button
If you have updated the initial values, those would show in the shared environments.
We’re unable to see what’s in front end of you, so we’re at a disadvantage here with only seeing a couple of screenshots.
Are you also seeing the same updated variables in your web version of the environment file?
https://go.postman.co ?
In web, I can get the latest variables. This inconsistency issue only occurs in the Mac client.