Automatic Documentation Generation on API Schema Sync

Hi Postman team,

I have a working API Schema (OpenAPI) integration set up where my GitHub repo commits sync with a Postman API’s definition.

Is it possible to automatically update Postman Documentation associated with the API when the schema definition updates? It seems an API Documentation Collection needs to be manually generated to include the OpenAPI schema updates.


I’m considering hooking up a GitHub action to programmatically create a collection from schema if there’s no other automated way to do so via the schema update.

I ended up writing a Node CLI to do this as part of a BuildKite step instead of messing around with integrations.

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Glad to hear that :partying_face:

Leaving this screen-record here as a reference for other users looking for a solution, to also attempt this method to update existing collection/ documentation from the GitHub synced API.

The Node CLI is a great solution! But in my case, there are several of us updating the GitHub repo… Is there another way (or example GitHub action) that can PUT the update to Postman on commit?
