I want to use a REST url to pull data from BigFix.
The url works when pasted directly in browser and it works in postman. But not when making HTTP request in PLSQL. Is there a way to figure out the additional parameters required in PLSQL to make it work?
My url is as below with HOSTNAME, USERNAME, PASSWORD being replaced by the real ones.
https://HOSTNAME/webreports?page=EvaluateRelevanceOnly&expr=unique values of (name of it) of bes computers whose (exists name of it AND last report time of it > (now - 1*day))&Username=USERNAME&Password=PASSWORD
This url works fine in the browser and returns results i.e. names of computers reported in the last one day. However, when I use the same from Oracle SQL Developer to get the list- The output HTML coding has below line among otherstuff:
Please enter your username and password to connect to Web Reports.
etc. etc. etc.
My question is: Can I use postman to figure out what I might be missing in my PLSQL HTTP request e.g. some additional parameteres that I may need to pass etc.
I would appreciate any help! Thanks.