I cant publish my collection

how to fix " we’ve temporarily blocked you from publishing documents as your content did not meet our community standars. please try again later of contact support

same case here. anyone can solve this?

Hey @dev.abdulharis :wave:

Welcome to the Postman community :postman:

You’re responding to a thread 8 months later, without any new information about your specific context.

Can you provide more details about your current situation, please?

The chronology is when I wanted to publish API documentation. When everything was ready, I clicked publish and filled out some forms. After finishing, I clicked publish again. It was successfully published and the URL appeared. When I clicked the URL, it could be accessed. However, when I refreshed the URL a few seconds after publishing, I was redirected to a 404 error page. Then, when I returned to my Postman collection, the publish button was disabled and a tooltip text appeared saying, “We’ve temporarily blocked you from publishing documents as your content did not meet our community standards. Please try again later or contact support.”

I’m wondering why this happened? What are the community standards I need to adhere to, as I didn’t receive any information regarding what I violated?

Are there any visual examples that you can share to highlight those areas mentioned here?

Did you contact support on [email protected] to see they could look at your individual account to see what’s happening here.

Myself or the team on the Forum don’t have that level of access to view users accounts so we wouldn’t be able to give you specific reasons based on what you have done here or what the issue is with your Collection.

Hey, I’m having the exactly same problem right now and I couldn’t find anything to help me. Did you find any solution?


Hi :wave: If you continue to encounter the message while publishing the collection as a documentation, please submit a ticket from this link here: https://support.postman.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

You can provide us the collection/ workspace ID and the name of the workspace in which they reside. This will help us locate your account details and identify any specific errors blocking you from publishing the same.

The article below should assist you in finding the respective element Ids: https://support.postman.com/hc/en-us/articles/5063785095319-How-to-find-the-ID-of-an-element-in-Postman

I Did open a ticket and the Postman team helped me right away. I think the first or/and the second time I tried to publish I may have some sensitive data leakage , I fix it and tried to post over and over again, the same collection, so the Postman web site flagged as a spam. This could only be resolved by the Postman Team.


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i’m having same problem, may we know what could be the problem, if any sensitive data, is the header x-api-token value included as sensitive information, or any email ? appreciate if someone could reply with full information, as i think many face same problem


Hello - Welcome to the community :wave:
It is most likely due to the usage of words in the documentation that Postman deems not to fully abide by the publishing standards. In these cases, raising a ticket to Support would help you get a review of your documentation, and the team will unblock you based on that review. Hope this clarifies!


the problem is resolved,

thank you

Pada Sen, 22 Jul 2024 pukul 12.17 Subramanya Raj via Postman Community <[email protected]> menulis:

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