(Christian Swoboda)
January 16, 2025, 10:00am
While testing a new API I had the problem that the XML response contains a URL which itself contains a URL:
the & is the encoding needed in XML, but Postman does not change it back to &
So when I “Follow the link” (ctrl + click), the browser opens the first URL, but then the redirection to redirectUrl is not working!
When I change it manually to …&redirectUrl… it works.
Any suggestions? Should Postman “decode” the & in XML?
(Christian Swoboda)
January 16, 2025, 1:37pm
oh, there is an open github issue from 2022:
opened 11:56AM - 09 Dec 22 UTC
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the tracker for … existing similar issues and I know that duplicates will be closed
### Describe the Issue
When I use the api to generate a URL that contains an "&" character, this is output as "&" when the response-body is displayed in the "pretty-view" or "raw-view". If I log the URL with Test-Script or look at the response-body in the "preview-view", the URL is output correctly.
The addition "amp;" makes the URL invalid.
### Steps To Reproduce
1. Create a Request based on XML with URL output including "&"-character
2. Look at the Value in the response-body (pretty/raw-view)
3. The URL is invalid, because instead of "&" "&" is displayed in the response.

### Screenshots or Videos
_No response_
### Operating System
### Postman Version
### Postman Platform
### User Account Type
Signed In User
### Additional Context?
If you need some Testaccount to reproduce it please let me now.
the textual description of the issue suffers also from the & Problem (but the additional screenshots explain it in detail):
When I use the api to generate a URL that contains an “&” character, this is output as “&” when the response-body is displayed in the “pretty-view” or “raw-view”.
The second “&” should be “&”
Maybe that’s why the issue is still open?