Why the system always unset the key "x-jwt-token" of the headers

i send a simple request, but i can get nothing of this key in the backend service?

by the way, i do not use any auth type.

Hi @flight-architect-340. Welcome to the Postman Community :postman:.

Postman does not unset any headers you set and they’re included in the request as stipulated in the API Client. How did you end up on the screen in your second screenshot? It is possible you’re viewing the response headers.

i make sure it is request header.
Oddly, i copy the curl command running in shell, it runs smoothly.

Hey @flight-architect-340 :wave:

Which request settings do you have here? Something in there has been changed?

Could you also look at the request in the Postman Console to see what is sent in the headers?

Do you have logging on your server side? Is it only that header that’s not working or can you try with a dummy header and check the logging on your server?

Nothing is special about my request setting.

Oddly, There are two header are unset automatically.

This req is from my collection that imported a few days ago, maybe there are some settings are imported simultaneously.
Then i create a new req, is runs ok.

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