Where can I download older versions of Postman?

How to download 7.36.5 linux x64 version @jetison

@songhd Welcome to the community :partying_face:

Similar thread is discussed here. Hope it helps :blush:

Exact comment link: Where to download V7 latest from - #3 by taehoshino

Thank you. :grinning:

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Hi, Would it be possible to get a link for the download of version 7 for Mac?? thx

Hello @mletkova Welcome to the Community :partying_face:

Can you try this link?


Related post is available in this thread.

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Is there a link for the 7.24.0 version for macOS?

@supply-participant-2 Welcome to the community :partying_face:

Please try this link: https://dl.pstmn.io/download/version/7.24.0/osx

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I must say I very much dislike the latest version of Postman. Browser doesn’t recognize the agent is running so I can’t run anything against localhost. Most inconvenient. Seems the latest version is a matter of fixing something that wasn’t broken but now is.

Could you try downloading and using the Postman desktop app? https://www.postman.com/downloads/. The desktop app has the agent and the app in one package.

Please I would like to download the version 8.0.7. Can you please provide me a link?

The latest version of Postman as of today is v9.9.3. Could you help us understand why you need this specific previous version?

For work purposes, i have apply this version one years ago. now i have the authorisation to update and can not take another version. It will take a long time for the company to acknoledge it if i do so.

Hi, Could you please share the link to download latest postman version supported for win32?

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Hello, I also need the latest version for win32, if you could please share it. Thanks in advance.

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We are having compatibility issues with v9/v10 API’s in the private API network and need to use postman v9, where can i find the latest Postman v9 version? :slight_smile:

found the v9 here: https://go.pstmn.io/dl-win64-v9-latest


could you kindly provide me a link to download v10.0.22 (or just v10.0) for mac M1 chip?
in case you want to know why…in my organisation we are only allowed to use internally validated versions.

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