Variable substitution stopped working

I have a collection that uses variables like {{baseUrl}}.
And I have an environment, that defines such variables, providing the initial value and the current value (both the same here).

However, executing an API request is not replacing the variables although the environment has been selected properly.

I have restarted Postman many times, de- and re-selected the environment and stuff like that. It seems to be broken or need another way I don’t know

If you highlight the variable, it should tell you what the current value is and what scope its coming from. Is it showing you a value and scope? Or is it showing as undefined? It should be the current value that gets used.

Variable are case sensitive.

Can you show a screenshow of how you are using the variable?

You can only use the curly brackets {{}} method in certain places like the request URL and body.

You have to use pm.environment.get in scripts.

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