Variable bug (variable not replaced with value)

About a week now a variable used in urls is not being replaced with real value.
I open postman run a request and get error.
The second runs try without changing anything but next runs get error too.
The variable is declared as Environment variable.
I’ve tried deleting and redeclared it but no help.
I’ve declared initial and current value.
Closing and reopening postman will make it work only for the second try as mentioned above.

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Hi @avionics-engineer-38. Welcome to the Postman Community :postman_logo:.

We’re currently tracking the root cause of this issue. Did you start experiencing this after an update to your Postman version or you’re still using the same version of Postman you’ve been using before this started happening?

cc: @navigation-candidat7

Hi Gbadebo,
It is probably after an update as I have auto-update on (I’ ve v11.20).
It started by not working only for the first request attempt, but now it works only for the second request after openinig postman.

Upgrated to v11.21.
Now the error occurs only for the first run.
Afterwards everything is ok.

No problem is back again…

I have same problem, first call after I ran postman, it is OK, but any next calls don’t replace variables by their values

Anyone having same problem.
It is very frustrating.
Cannot use postman like this…

That’s a serious bug I agree, I’m currently using version 11.18.4 and I’m not seeing that issue thankfully.

if you temporarily move the variable to the collection level instead, does that resolve it? Or can you can roll back to a previous version?

Hopefully, the team can resolve the issue quickly for you.

Hey @skallonis :wave:t2:

Could you provide more details about the issue you’re facing in your context, please?

You could be facing a different issue, without the details we wouldn’t know that.

Hey @zipik83

Can expand more on the details and the workflow here please?

What did you do / have you done to get to that point? You have a number of unsaved requests in that Collection, what was changed there.

Currently, we’re at a disadvantage as we cannot interact with your machine or have the full knowledge of your context so the more information that you provide, will make it easier to nail down the problem.

If we can get to the point where we have a reproducible issue, perhaps on a dummy Collection/Environment it will allow us to investigate further.

I moved all collections from APIs to Collections and I think it is working (hope this do not change).
So the problem appears in APIs section.

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