Upgrade your Browser

Hi, I am running my postman request for the first time and I just got this error saying I need to upgrade my browser. Here is the screenshots shown below:

The request is this: GET https://staging-mc.kb.us-east-1.aws.found.io:9243

It says

Please upgrade your browser

This Elastic installation has strict security requirements enabled that your current
browser does not meet.

I am trying to find out what they mean but I cannot seem to find them. Please can you help me?

This looks like the server you are connecting to is examining a “User-Agent” header and determining that you’re not using an up-to-date browser. You can override the User-Agent to be whatever you like when you send your request.

When you set up your request, click on Headers, and then click on the icon that says something like “6 hidden”, which should show you a number of hidden headers that you can set to anything you like:

Here, you can override the User-Agent string to be something other than Postman.

Whenever I click on any of the headers. It won’t allow me to edit it. How do I solve this?

My apologies for not being more clear :slight_smile:

You can unselect the pre-made header, and add your own custom header at the bottom of the list:

Thanks but I tried to create my own custom header and it still gives me the error. Is there anything else I need to do in setting up the postman request? Please, let me know. Thank you.

Without knowing more of the expectation of the server who is giving you this response, it’s difficult to provide more help. You could try doing a google search for “what is my user agent string” and try pasting that into Postman as your custom header.

Again, though, without knowing what the server is expecting, or what it can respond to, I don’t know that we can assist any further on this.