We have tried to unable to upload csv file in Genesys via POSTMAN,
Note: Genesys was introduced toggle button to retain the white space However, it is not working so Genesys has suggsted to upload the csv file through POSTMAN application while we are uploading we re getting 400 bad request error, Could you please help us to fix this?
Sathish Manoharan
Hey @research-physicist-5
Welcome to the Postman Community!
I’m not sure what it is you’re trying to do here - That link is to a Collection showing different methods to upload a file. It’s not specific to a particular API.
Are you following some public documentation for Genesys? I don’t actually know what that is or what API you’re using or how that payload is structured for uploading files.
Can you provide more details and context of what you’re doing, please?
Hi Danny,
Thanks for your response,
Please find the attached steps to upload a contact list from POSTMAN to Genesys, but we are getting 400 bad request error.
Sathish Manoharan
You probably could have just pasted those into your response rather than post a cropped screenshot.
Those instructions look like you’re only setting up the Auth for the request and not the data that you’re posting to the endpoint. That would cause the 400 error, if it was an Auth problem it would be a different status code.
What is the payload of the request that you’re sending?