Unable to merge feature-branch ->need editor permission

Hello! I am facing the same issue as was described and solved here Unable to merge feature-branch to the Version control branch but in my case it does not work at all. Would appreciate any other idea how to solve it :pray:?

Hey @424iuliia777 :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

That looks like you’re trying to merge the fork back to the original Collection (which you don’t have permission to do).

The feature-branch fork should have been a fork of the Collection, that you forked (Yulia’s fork), into your Workspace. You would have permissions to do this as you are the author of both of those Collections.

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Thank you sooooo much :green_heart:. I realized my mistake - both forks were created from the original collection while it was necessary to create one fork from the original and the second one from newly created collection in my own Workspace.

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