I am unable to get the list of environments using postman-API. I tried to create a new environment in my workspace and I could see that but not the rest of the environments. Is it like only the owner of the environment can see the list ?
No, You can see those. where you are not able see. Are you able to open the MANAGE ENVIRONMENTS WINDOW(by hitting ctrl+alt+e)? if you can see this window and will be listed out your env’s and click on your desired env, it get you into env properties and values.
I can see the environments in the interface but not with postman API. I asked the person who created those environments to run the GET Environments API with his x-api-key and he could see it.Looks like GET Environment API call is specific to the owner.I need to have x-api-key from the owner in order to see all the environments created by him.Is there permission or something that he can provide access to ?
I hope you don’t mind me jumping in.
Are you in the same team as the other person who is the owner of the environment?
If yes, you two can collaborate using a team workspace. The other person can share the environment to the new workspace.