Sending new test data in body of each new setNextRequest iteration

Hey guys I have searched all over the forum but wasnt able to find the solution. Basically I use random method to generate name in one of my requests which repeats multiple times in collection. Issue is when I run the setNextRequest method it will choose the test data already generated in previous one and will not generate new variable ( which causes conflict since name already exists). Is there a way to send new data in body in each iteration of setNextRequest feature.

Thank you !

all kind of setNextRequest examples

Did you find a solution, I am especially using random for avoid conflict but still getting name conflict. Mine goal is when I send POST body for automation test, every time send new randomNoun in body.
“name”: “{{$randomNoun}}”,
“second_name”: “{{$randomVerb}}”,
“repeat”: 1

I would have recommended starting a new thread and linking to this one.

You need to show your code for this. pre-request scripts and tests tab.

Please post code (or JSON) using the preformatted text option so everything doesn’t align to the left.

As a starter for 10, remove the quotes from the dynamic variables. It will be generated as a string on runtime.